Jimmy Fallon Asks People To Share The "Cold" Insults They've Gotten And They Deliver (30 Tweets)
Rachael Smith

Lol! I had a similar moment when I was teaching swim to little kids. A little girl edith ethnically dark skin asked, "teacher, why are you wearing tights in the pool?" I'm not wearing tights, I told her. "Yes, you are, your legs are white!" In her world you don't get snow white appendages without tights.
Rachael Smith

Jimmy Fallon is at it again. For this week's Hashtags segment, he asked the viewers of The Tonight Show to share their most memorable #ThatWasCold moments. And oh sweet shiny glacier, were they chilling. From two-year-olds shaming their "pregnant" fathers for their bellies to mothers questioning whether their children have friends and beyond. These remarks were so brutal, the good intentions behind them were quickly overshadowed by the savage deliveries.